

Tweet #1
The Endermen are peaceful. If you look straight at them, they freeze and look at you. When you look away again, they run fast. And teleport.

Tweet #2
They run TOWARDS you, not away. So if you happen to look at one, do not look away.

Tweet #3
(they stop being peaceful if you look straight at them) 
( 當你直視牠們後,牠們就不再是和平的。)

只係睇都毛骨聳然 :S

Notch在此 再詳細講解Enderman背後的理念
簡單總括一下, Enderman

  • 是黑色,手長腳長,走得慢
  • 會拿起Blocks並移動它們
  • 高3個Blocks
  • "直視"定義為你的光罩(即係咩 = =)對準牠們
  • 瞬間移動時用盡量移動至你視線內的地方

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